Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Week of Art: Wednesday 27th February - Art Therapy

Today in art therapy I worked on this black and white self potrait. It's still not finished.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Week of art: Tuesday 26th Feb - Doodles and my planned tattoo

I didn't get much time for proper drawing today. I did get very angry with my laptop crashing, and so drew a cartoon self about to smash it with a hammer.
I then tried to improve the design for a tattoo I want to get, and doodled some lizards and owls, as someday I'd like to get a tattoo of these also. The main design on the page is to represent my degree and hopefully what will be my career: Biomedical Science. The DNA represents biology, but it is crossed with the symbol for medicine - the Rod of Asclepius.
 I plan to get it tattooed on my wrist, so I drew it there in biro!

Week of art: Monday 25th Feb - Life Drawing